Monday, September 19, 2011

Green is easy when you are cheap

Think about it. The best way to be green is to stop paying for expensive packaging, to reuse what you have, and to not introduce toxic chemicals into the environment. So, basically live like you would have before the industrial age. Here's some tips:

1. That thing in your house that shows you all the coolest new gadgets and gizmos, turn it off!
TV not only stagnates your brain and body but makes you feel like you "need" everything and if you have kids, you have heard them want everything from toys to vacuums and pipe cleaners. Who really needs all that stuff? And think of the money you'll save on electricity and cable bills!

2. Why buy it when you can make it or grow it? Everything from pantyliners to pantryshelving can be made using a little ingenuity and a pattern, and many patterns and how-tos are available online for free! And it will fill up all that spare time you have when the boob tube is turned off. You can find recipes for soap, laundry detergent, quick fix meals that don't come from a box, and patterns for cloth diapers and feminine products, stuffed animals, toys, shelves, even houses!

3. Stop throwing things into the dump! Why use throw-away stuff when you can buy good quality dishes that will last for literally hundreds of years or flatware that you can pass on to your grandchildren? That's why our grandmothers stuff seems so priceless today, they used it for everything so it's part of our parents every food memory. If you simply must have a new set of dishes every year, shop the second hand stores and donate your old dishes. Everything comes back again. And if you follow rule 2 it's easy to follow rule 3 because then you can cut out lots of paper and packaging as well as reusing what you make!

4. Slow down and enjoy what's here and now. Do you know what you can take with you when you are dead? . Memories. That's it. So why work yourself to death trying to buy a new car or house, when you can slow down and enjoy exactly what's in front of you, family, friends, good food. It doesn't take much to have a fun family night. I can remember having a great time sitting in front of our wood burning fire with my family listening to the fire crackle and pop and telling stories about our favorite things. That's the biggest secret, if you enjoy what you have, you won't want more.

5. Stop buying junk. Think quality and care. When people start buying things just because they are cheap or trendy, then they rack up somewhere, either the house or landfill or your pocketbook and they end up not so cheap. If you buy a new pair of sunglasses every other week because they break or because you lose them in your house or car, its not so cheap anymore. Try before you buy so you know that its something you can or will use and have a care regiment in place so that your good quality things stay good quality. Buy things as an investment and take care of them as if they are just that. Repair instead of replace. Buy things that grow with kids and they can use for a long time.

Using these 5 simple rules you too can be cheap and when you're cheap, it's easy being green!

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