Saturday, April 16, 2011

The search for displays

I have been searching and brainstorming for good ways to display my jewelry at the festivals and craft shows I am entered in. I have seen some really awesome wooden display stands online and really want to make something myself to save money and make my jewelry stand out from the huge masses available out there (pun intended).  I have lots of logs and wood that is nice and seasoned in my backyard from before we put the gas logs in our fireplace.  (A side note on gas logs: I miss the crackle and smell of the wood fire but the gas does heat better than wood.) But back to the topic at hand, I am fairly handy so my plan is to try to create something that will reinforce the fact that my jewelry is one of a kind.
In the past I have used copper wire and seasoned wood to create lovely display pieces but I want something more substantial than the slim trees of my earlier designs. Therefore, I am entering the world of creating in wood.
After a trip to the wood working capital, Gatlinburg's Arts and Crafts Trail
in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee just a few weeks ago, I am brimming with confidence that I can create something just as spectacular as the amazing pieces there! (They make it look effortless, but I think it will take more than just effort.) I have built some pieces before, taken a few classes in carpentry and worked a little in a shop, so of course I can create something awesome right?!

Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing your voice in my head...try already but will try to do more recycling!
